
Noh TriviaQuestion and Answer

Question13 Is there any special etiquette to keep in mind in the theatre?

A Noh play starts without any clear signs such as bells or curtains, at the end only the powerful atmosphere of the drama lingers on the empty stage. Every moment of the performance is to be admired. You should feel free to appreciate Noh plays, but silence is usually considered important in the theatre.

Chatting is not allowed, and you should also consider others if you need to give an explanation to your companions. Coughing may be unavoidable if you are in bad condition, as the air-conditioning in theatres is sometimes very strong, but please have consideration for others and wear a mask.

You do not have to wear formal clothes in the theatre. Caps and hats are coming into fashion among young people, but please do not wear them in the theatre unless there are special circumstances.

(Apr 10, 2008)


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