
Plays DataBaseZegai : Details

Schools All five. In Japanese, Zegai is written with the characters 是界 in the Komparu, Hōsho, and Kita schools, 善界 in the Kanze school, and 是我意 in the Kongoh school.
Category The Fifth Group Noh, kiri-noh mono
Author Takeda Hōin Jōsei
Subject Konjaku Monogatari (Anthology of Tales from the Past), Zegai-bō Emaki (Picture Scroll of the Tale of Zegai-bō), etc.
Season Unknown
Scene Maeba Mount Atago in Yamashiro Province
Nochiba Mount Hiei in Ōmi Province
Tsukurimono Carriage
Characters Mae-shite Zegai-bō
Waki Abbot of Mount Hiei
Waki-tsure Retainers of the Abbot (two)
Ai Messenger from the temple
Masks Nochi-shite Ōbeshimi
CostumesMae-shite Tokin (a type of headdress worn by mountain priests or tengu), suzukake (bobbles on the costume of mountain ascetics), mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), kitsuke / atsuita (a type of short-sleeved kimono mainly worn by male characters), ōkuchi-style hakama (white), koshi-obi (belt), (a small sword,) a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Nochi-shite Long red wig (kindon-hachimaki (a headband in gold)), ōtokin (tokin headdress worn by tengu characters), awase-kariginu (a lined long-sleeved kimono worn by male characters, especially gods and other dignified characters), kitsuke / atsuita, hangire (a type of hakama trousers worn by mighty characters such as demons, gods, and warriors), koshi-obi, and hauchiwa (a fan for tengu).
TsureTokin, suzukake, mizugoromo, kitsuke / atsuita or muji-noshime (short-sleeved kimono with no pattern, worn as the innermost layer of the costumes of male characters of lesser standing), ōkuchi-style hakama (white), koshi-obi, (a small sword,) a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
WakiShamon-bōshi (a hood for high-ranking monks), kara (a piece of square cloth worn over other clothes by Buddhism priests), mizugoromo, kitsuke / atsuita, ōkuchi-style hakama (white), koshi-obi, a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Waki-tsure Sumi-bōshi (a hood for regular Buddhist monks), mizugoromo, kitsuke / atsuita or muji-noshime, ōkuchi-style hakama (white), koshi-obi, a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Ai Nōriki-zukin (a hood for a temple servant), mizugoromo, kitsuke / shima-noshime (short-sleeved noshime-style kimono with stripes), kukuri-bakama (a way of wearing hakama trousers, tucking the bottoms up at the knee with strings), koshi-obi, a pair of gaiters, and a fan. Holding a broom made of bushclover, upon which is tied a letter.
Number of scenes Two
Length About 1 hour 20 minutes

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