
Plays DataBaseUtou (Murrelet) : Details

Schools All five. The Kita school uses different kanji characters (烏頭) from the other schools (善知鳥).
Category The fourth group Noh, shūshin-otoko-mono
Author Unknown (Zeami, according to one tradition)
Subject Unknown
Season Early summer (April in the lunar calendar)
Scenes The first half of the program Tateyama in Etchū Province
The second half Soto-no-hama (or Soto-ga-hama) in Mutsu Province
Characters Mae-shite Old Man
Nochi-shite The ghost of a hunter
Tsure Wife of the hunter
Kokata Child of the hunter
Waki Traveling monk
Ai Villager in Soto-no-hama
Masks Mae-shite Waraijō, Ryōnoijō, Asakuranojō, Sankōjō, Akobujō, etc.
Nochi-shite Yase-otoko, kawazu, etc.
Tsure Fukai, Shakumi, etc.
Costumes Mae-shite jō-gami (wig for old man’s character), mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), kitsuke / muji-noshime (short-sleeved kimono with no pattern, worn as the innermost layer of the costumes of male characters of lesser standing), koshi-obi (belt), and a fan.
Nochi-shite a long black wig, white mizugoromo, kitsuke / muji-noshime, koshi-obi, koshi-mino (ha-mino), a fan, cane, and sedge hat.
Tsure kazura (wig), kazura-obi (belt for a wig), ironashi-karaori (a short-sleeved kimono outer robe worn by a female character), kitsuke / surihaku (short-sleeved kimono, worn as the innermost layer of the costume of a female character).
Kokata kitsuke / nuihaku, nagabakama (a hakama style trousers with long-stretched trains).
Waki sumi-bōshi (a hood for regular Buddhist monks), mizugoromo, kitsuke / muji-noshime, koshi-obi, a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Ai kyōgen-kamishimo (tops and bottoms of kimono for kyōgen-kata)
Number of scenes Two
Length About 1 hour and 25 minutes

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