
Plays DataBaseKanawa (Iron Trivet) : Details

Schools All five schools
Category The fourth group noh, kijo-mono
Author Unknown
Subject Tsurugi no maki (the Volume of the Sword) in the Tale of the Heike, etc.
Season Autumn (September)
Scenes maeba Kibune Shrine, around 2 a.m.
nochiba From daytime to night on the same day in the house of Abe no Seimei, then moves to the house of the husband in the Shimogyō area.
Tsukurimono ichijō-dai and an altar (eboshi headdress for a warrior, kazura, and hei (a sacred wand for prayer in Shinto)
Characters Mae-shite (first half lead part) Woman who visits the shrine around 2 a.m.
Nochi-shite(second half lead part) Female demon
Waki (supporting cast) Abe no Seimei
Waki-tsure (companion of waki) Man living in the Shimogyō area
Ai (interluding cast) A Shinto priest of Kibune Shrine
Masks Mae-shite Deigan, Kanawa-onna, or Shakumi
Nochi-shite Either Hashihime or Namanari
Costumes Mae-shite kazura (wig), kazura-obi (belt for wig), karaori in tsuboori style, kitsuke / surihaku, koshimaki, nuihaku, koshi-obi (belt), a fan, and a rain hat.
Nochi-shite kazura, kazura-obi, hira-motoyui, an iron trivet, kitsuke / surihaku, koshi-obi, and a fan. Holds a stick for the demon.
Waki kazaori-eboshi (eboshi-style headdress), yore-kariginu, kitsuke / atsuita, ōkuchi-style hakama trousers (white), koshi-obi, and a fan. Holds a hei afterwards.
Waki-tsure tops and bottoms of suō (unlined hemp kimono for warrior’s daily wear), kitsuke / noshime without patterns, a small sword, and a fan.
Ai hora-eboshi or nashiuchi-eboshi (eboshi-style headdress), yore-mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), kukuri-bakama (a way of wearing hakama trousers, tucking the bottoms up at the knee with a string), and a pair of gaiters.
Number of scenes Two
Length About one hour

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