A woman narrates the love story of Kinnari with Katsurago and Sakurago, associated with the three mountains of Mitsuyama. 田巻利夫 Katsurago loses the battle for love and throws herself into a pond on Mount Miminashi. 廣田陛一 Even after becoming a ghost, Katsurago continues to hold a grudge against Sakurago. 泉雅一郎、泉泰孝 Katsurago is jealous of Sakurago's dazzling appearance. 長山桂三、観世銕之丞 Carrying a branch of katsura, Katsurago attacks the second wife, Sakurago. 田巻利夫 Katsurago gives Sakurago a severe beating. 廣田陛一、宇髙通成 [ Paused. To restart, please click on the photo. ]
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