
Plays DataBaseKanehira : Details

Schools All fives
Category The Second Group Noh, Shura-mono, Yūshi-mono
Author Unknown
Subject Heike Monogatari (the Tale of the Heike), volume nine
Season Spring (April in the lunar calendar)
Scene First half Yabase Bay in Ōmi province
Second half Awazu-ga-hara in Ōmi province
Tsukurimono Boat (loading brushwood), a pole to navigate the boat
Characters Mae-shite Old Man
Nochi-shite Imai Kanehira
WakiItinerant Monk
Waki-tsure Monks Following the Itinerant Monk (Two)
Ai Ferryman
Masks Mae-shite Asakurajō, Sankōjō, Waraijō
Nochi-shite Heita
Costumes Mae-shite Kake-suō (tops of suō kimono), mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono of middling quality), kitsuke / muji-noshime (short-sleeved kimono with no pattern, worn as the innermost layer of the costumes of male characters of lesser standing), koshi-obi (belt), and a pole.
Nochi-shite Nashiuchi-eboshi (eboshi-style headdress for warriors), kurotare (a long black wig), shiro-hachimaki (a white headband), awase-happi (lined happi-style kimono), kitsuke / iroiri-atsuita (a short-sleeved, thickly-woven kimono mainly worn by male characters with scarlet in its pattern), hangire (a type of hakama trousers worn by strong characters such as demons, gods, and warriors), koshi-obi, a fan, and a sword. Putting a branch of plum at the waist.
Waki Sumi-bōshi (a hood worn by ordinary Buddhist monks), mizugoromo, kitsuke / muji-noshime, koshi-obi, a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Waki-tsure (two) Sumi-bōshi (a hood worn by ordinary Buddhist monks), mizugoromo, kitsuke / muji-noshime, koshi-obi, a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Ai Tops and bottoms of kimono for Kyogen-kata
Number of scenes Two
Length About 1 hour and 15 minutes

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