
Plays DataBaseTomonaga : Details

Schools All five
Category The second group Noh
Author Unknown
Subject Heiji Monogatari (the Tale of the Heiji Rebellion), volume 2, “Yoshitomo Aohaka ni Ochitsuku koto (Episode of Yoshitomo Stopping to Rest at Aohaka Inn)”
Season Spring (January in in the lunar calendar)
Scene Aohaka in Mino Province
Characters Mae-shite Female Innkeeper
Nochi-shite Tomonaga
Tsure Female Attendant or Servant (depending on school)
TomoAttendant (depending on school)
Waki Itinerant Monk
Wakitsure Monk accompanying Itinerant Monk
Ai Servant of the Innkeeper
Masks Mae-shite Fukai or shakumi
Nochi-shite Chūjō or imawaka
Tsure (female attendant) Ko-omote, tsuremen
Costumes Mae-shite Kazura (wig), kazura-obi (band for a wig), karaori (a short-sleeved outer kimono worn by female characters) worn in kinagashi-style, kitsuke / surihaku (short-sleeved kimono, worn as the innermost layer of the costume of a female character), and crystal Buddhist prayer beads. Holding a leaf.
Nochi-shite Kuro-tare (a black wig with hair extending slightly below the shoulders), a white headband, Nashi-uchieboshi (eboshi-style headdress for warriors), hitoe-happi (unlined happi-style kimono) or chōken (an unlined, long-sleeved elegant garment worn by dancing female characters), kitsuke / atsuita (a type of short-sleeved kimono mainly worn by male characters) or nuihaku (a short-sleeved kimono with embroidery and gold and silver flakes applied to the fabric), hangire (a type of hakama trouser worn by strong characters such as demons, gods, and warriors) or hakama in ōkuchi-style, koshi-obi (belt), a fan, and a sword.
Tsure (female attendant) Kazura, kazura-obi, kitsuke / surihaku, and scarlet karaori worn in kinagashi-style
Tomo Kitsuke / muji-noshime (short-sleeved kimono with no pattern), tops and bottoms of suō (a long-sleeved, unlined hemp kimono with matching top and bottom, worn by male characters), a fan, and a small sword. Holding a sword.
Waki Sumi-bōshi (a hood for ordinary Buddhist monks), mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), kitsuke / muji-noshime, might wear hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Wakitsure Sumi-bōshi (a hood for ordinary Buddhist monks), mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), kitsuke / muji-noshime, might wear hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Ai Tops and bottoms of kimono for kyogen-kata, shima-noshime (short-sleeved kimono with stripes), koshi-obi, and a fan.
Number of scenes Two
Length About 1 hour 50 minutes

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