
Plays DataBaseYouchi Soga : Details

Schools All five.
Category The Fourth Group Noh, kiriai-mono
Author Miyamasu
Subject Mirror of the East (Azuma Kagami), the Epic Tale of Soga Brothers (Soga Monogatari)
Season Summer (May in the lunar calendar)
Scene At the foot of Mount Fuji in Suruga Province
Characters Shite Soga Gorō Tokimune
TsureSoga Jūrō Sukenari
Tsure  Danzaburō
Tsure  Oniō
Tsure  Furuya Gorō
Tsure  Gosho Gorōmaru
Tsure (extra players)  Guards who hold the end of the rope tying a criminal (two)
Ai with Izumi School (Regular version) Hayauchi (one or two)
Ai with Okura School and the special “Ōtōnai” version with Izumi School Ōtōnai and a retainer
Masks no mask (hitamen)
Costumes Shite (Gorō) First Half : Ori-eboshi (eboshi-style headdress), kake-hitatare (hitatare-style kimono worn without tucking it into the hakama trousers), kitsuke / atsuita (a type of short-sleeved kimono mainly worn by male characters), hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi (belt), a small sword, a fan, bow and arrow, and a talisman. Second Half : Ori-eboshi tied in chōdogake-style (the formal style of tying), kake-hitatare worn in shiboriage-style (the way to tuck sleeves up with a string and to tie them at the back), kitsuke / atsuita, hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, a small sword, a torch, and a sword.
Tsure (Jūrō) Ori-eboshi, kake-hitatare, kitsuke / atsuita, hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, a small sword, a fan, bow and arrow, and a letter.
Tsure (Danzaburō) Tops and bottoms of suō (a long-sleeved unlined hemp kimono with matching top and bottom worn by male characters), kitsuke / muji-noshime (short-sleeved kimono with no pattern), a small sword, a fan, and a sword.
Tsure (Oniō) Tops and bottoms of suō, kitsuke / muji-noshime, a small sword, a fan, and a sword.
Tsure (Furuya Gorō) A white headband, sobatsugi (lined happi-style kimono with no sleeves, worn by warriors or Chinese characters), kitsuke / atsuita, hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, and a sword.
Tsure (Gosho Gorōmaru) A white headband, white mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), sobatsugi, kitsuke / atsuita, hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, and a sword.
Tsure (extra players)
[Two guards]
A white headband, kitsuke / atsuita, hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, and a sword.
Ai with Izumi School
(Regular version)
Kataginu (sleeveless robe), kukuri-bakama (a way of wearing hakama trousers, tucking the bottoms up at the knee with a string), a pair of gaiters, and a stick.
Ai with Okura School and the special “Ōtōnai” version with Izumi School [Ōtōnai] eboshi, akaji-nuihaku (a red short-sleeved kimono with embroidery and gold or silver flakes placed on the fabric), kitsuke / shironeri (white silk kosode-style kimono), shita-bakama (underwear hakama trousers), a pair of gaiters, onna-obi (wide sash for women), and a shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute).
[Retainer serving at Hunting Field] Kataginu (sleeveless robe), han-bakama (a pair of hakama trousers of ankle length) taking the right arm out of the sleeve of his kimono.
Number of scenes Two
Length About 1 hour and 20 minutes

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