
Plays DataBaseMakura-Jidō (Jido of the Headrest) : Details

Schools All five. It has the title, “Jidō of the Chrysanthemum” (Kiku-Jidō) in the Kanze school and “Jidō of the Headrest” (Makura-Jidō) in the Komparu, Hōshō, Kongoh and Kita schools.
Category The Fourth or Fifth group Noh, Tō-mono (story set in China), Ryaku-waki-noh
Author Unknown
Subject The Taiheiki
Season Autumn (September in the lunar calendar)
Scene Mount Rekken (Tekken) in China
Tsukurimono Platform (with a chrysanthemum flower and a headrest), a straw hut with chrysanthemum / a straw hut / a mountain.
Characters Shite Jidō
Waki Imperial official
Waki-tsure Two retainers of the official
Masks Shite Jidō, Dōji
Costumes Shite A long black wig; kindan-hachimaki (headband in gold) / iro-hachimaki (colored headband) / shiro-hachimaki (white headband), or no headband; awase-happi (lined happi-style kimono) / karaori (a short-sleeved kimono outer robe worn by female characters) wore in tsuboori-style; kitsuke / atsuita (a type of short-sleeved kimono mainly worn by male characters) / nuihaku (a short-sleeved kimono with embroidery and with gold or silver flakes placed on the fabric; hangire (a type of hakama worn by strong characters such as demons, gods and warriors); koshi-obi (belt); and a chrysanthemum leaf fan / tō-uchiwa (a Chinese fan).
Waki Tō-kanmuri (a type of crown worn by gods or Chinese emperors), iro-hachimaki, awase-kariginu (a lined long-sleeved style kimono worn by male characters, especially gods and other dignified characters), kitsuke / atsuita, hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, and a fan.
Waki-tsure Hora-eboshi (eboshi-style headdress worn by stately figures), awase-kariginu, kitsuke / atsuita, hakama in ōkuchi-style (white), koshi-obi, and a fan.
Number of scenes One
Length About 50 minutes

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