
Plays DataBaseYoroboshi : Details

Schools All five
Category Fourth Group Noh
Author Kanze Jūrō Motomasa (kuse is written by Zeami)
Subject Unknown
Season Spring (February in the lunar calendar)
Scene Tennō-ji Temple in Settsu Province
Characters Shite Shuntoku-maru
Waki Takayasu Michitoshi
Ai Michitoshi’s Servant
Masks Shite Yoroboshi
Costumes Shite A long black wig, (kuroji-kindon-hachimaki [a head band with gold brocade on black cloth]), mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), kitsuke / atsuita (a type of short-sleeved kimono mainly worn by male characters) (kitsuke / nuihaku [a short-sleeved kimono with embroidery and with gold or silver flakes placed on the fabric]), koshi-obi (belt), a fan, and a cane.
Waki Tops and bottoms of suō (a long-sleeved unlined hemp kimono with matching top and bottom worn by male characters), kitsuke / dannoshime (short-sleeved kimono with very wide stripes, worn as the innermost layer of the costumes of male characters of lesser standing), a small sword, and a fan.
Ai Tops and bottoms of kimono for kyogen-kata.
Number of scenes One
Length About 1 hour and 20 minutes

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