
Plays DataBaseTōru : Details

Schools All five
Category The Fifth group noh, kirinoh-mono, hayamai-mono
Author Zeami
Subject Episode eighty-one of Ise Monogatari (Tale of Ise), Kokin-shū
Season Autumn (August in the lunar calendar)
Scenes Kyoto, deserted mansion at Rokujō-kawara
Characters Mae-shite Old man coming to lave brine
Nochi-shite The ghost of Minamoto no Tōru (or Minister Tōru)
Waki A traveling monk
Ai Man living near Rokujō
Masks Mae-shite Waraijō, Asakurajō, Sankōjō
Nochi-shite Chūjō, Imawaka
Costumes Mae-shite jō-kami (wig for old man’s character), mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), kitsuke / muji-noshime (noshime style kimono with no pattern), koshi-obi (belt), koshimino (straw skirt) and a fan. Carrying buckets (to scoop water) on a pole.
Nochi-shite iro-hachimaki (colored head band), uikanmuri (a headdress for emperors, nobles, or aged deities), unlined kariginu-style kimono, kitsuke / nuihaku (kitsuke / surihaku), sashinuki (a pair of long hakama style trousers tucked at the knee with strings), komi-ōkuchi (underwear hakama in ōkuchi-style), koshi-obi, and a fan.
Waki sumi-bōshi (a hood for regular Buddhist monks), mizugoromo, kitsuke / muji-noshime, koshi-obi, and a fan. Buddhist prayer beads.
Ai naga-kamishimo (tops and bottoms of kimono with long hakama style trousers)
Number of scenes Two
Length About 1 hour and 30 minutes

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