
Plays DataBaseYashima : Details

Schools All five. The Hosho, Komparu, Kongoh, and Kita schools use the Chinese characters “Ya (eight) shima (islands)” while Kanze school uses “Ya (house) shima (islands).”
Category the second group Noh, shuramono
Author Zeami
Subject The Tale of the Heike, volume 11, “Osaka goe no koto,” “Tsuginobu saigo no koto” and “Yumi-nagashi no koto.”
Season Spring (March)
Scenes Yashima in Sanuki Province
Characters Mae-shite (lead part for the first half of drama) Old fisherman
Tsure (companion of lead part for the first half of drama) Fellow fisherman
Nochi-shite (lead part for the second half of drama) Minamoto no Yoshitsune
Waki (supporting cast) Traveling monk
Waki-tsure (companions of waki) Following monks (two or three)
Ai (interluding cast) Villager living in Yashima Bay
Masks Mae-shite Asakurajō, Waraijō, or Sankōjō
Nochi-shite Heida or Imawaka
Costumes Mae-shite jō-kami (wig for old man’s character), mizugoromo (a type of knee-length kimono), kitsuke / noshime-style kimono without patterns, koshimino, koshi-obi (belt), a fan, and a fishing pole.
Nochi-shite nashi-uchieboshi (eboshi-style headdress for warriors), kuro-tare (a black wig with hair extending slightly longer than the shoulder), a white headband, awase-happi (lined happi-style kimono), kitsuke / dan-atsuita (thickly woven kosode type of kimono with very wide stripes), hangiri (a type of hakama), koshi-obi, a fan, and a sword.
Waki sumi-bōshi (a hood for regular Buddhist monks), mizugoromo, kitsuke / noshime-style kimono without patterns, koshi-obi, a fan, and Buddhist prayer beads.
Tsure mizugoromo, kitsuke / noshime-style kimono without patterns, koshimino, koshi-obi, a fan, and a fishing pole.
Waki-tsure Similar to waki
Number of scenes Two
Length About 1 hour and 35 minutes

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