
Plays DataBaseHagoromo (Celestial Feather Robe) : Details

Category the third group noh
Author Zeami (according to one tradition)
Subject "Tango no Fudoki" Itsubun (the original is lost), a legend as to a celestial feather robe Season Spring (March) Row of pine trees at Miho Beach (present Shimizu City in Shizuoka Prefecture). A tranquil spring day, after rain has lifted, from morning to evening.
Season Spring (March)
Scenes Row of pine trees at Miho Beach (present Shimizu City in Shizuoka Prefecture). A tranquil spring day, after rain has lifted, from morning to evening.
Tsukurimono of a pine tree, which represents a pine grove, is placed at the central front of the stage. A beautiful chōken is hung on a bough of the pine tree.
Tsukurimono A pine tree at the central front of the stage
Characters Shite (lead part) celestial maiden
Waki (supporting cast) Hakuryō, a fisherman
Waki-tsure (the companion of Waki) two fishermen
Masks Shite Zō, Wakaonna, or Ko'omote
Costumes Shite kazura (a kind of wig), kazura-obi (belt for kazura), onna-basara, tenkan (celestial crown), kitsuke / surihaku (a kind of kimono with gold or silver foils), koshimaki / nuihaku (a kind of kimono with gold or silver foils and embroidery), koshi-obi (belt), a fan. Wearing chōken at the time of monogi.
Waki mizugoromo, kitsuke / dan-noshime (noshime style kimono with very wide stripes), white ōkuchi, koshi-obi, and a fan. Holding a fishing pole over his shoulder.
Waki-tsure same as Waki.
Number of scenes one
Length About 1 hour and 10 minutes

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